
In addition to offering a number of wines by the glass, we have included the units of alcohol you are likely to consume when purchasing a particular wine. The unit of alcohol referred to here is the one defined in the UK as being 10ml of pure alcohol.

For example a 1 litre bottle of wine with an Alcohol By Volume (ABV) of 12% would contain 12 units (1000ml x 12% ÷ 10ml of pure alcohol).

If the bottle size were 75cl it would hold 9 units (750ml x 12% ÷ 10ml of pure alcohol).

A 250ml glass of wine would be 3 units of pure alcohol per glass (250ml x 12% ÷ 10ml)

A 175ml glass of wine would be 2.1 units of pure alcohol per glass (175ml x 12% ÷ 10ml)

A 125ml glass of wine would be 1.5 units of pure alcohol per glass (125ml x 12% ÷ 10ml).